Today we will talk something more on scientific and facts.
Last Monday (17 Jan 2016), I just participated in a seminar. They were discussing the ageing issue, that was estimated to happen to Malaysia in the year 2035 *sweating*
Title: Media Roundtable on Ageing. "Age inclusiveness and Supportive Environments."
They decided to organize this seminar to spread it to the public by the help of the media. by the way, this is the second seminar done, after year 2005.
According to the Older Malaysian Population statistics (by ethnicity) from year 1980 to 2040, they estimated that by the year 2035, 15% of Malaysian population are older people. In Malaysia, the older citizen are those who aged 60 years old above (or after pension). [Source from DSM, 2001; 2011; 2012]
This statistics were presented by the Director of Malaysian Research Institute on Ageing, Prof. DR. Tengku Aizan Hamid.
Besides, she also emphasizing the relation between percentage of older (65+) population vs GNI per capita between the ASEAN countries. Brunei is the country that has highest GNI per capita but having lowest percentage of older population. In simple words, Brunei has the highest resources to help developing the facilities and services for their older citizens BUT they have small number of ageing population. While Malaysia, ranked at the middle, with quite low resources and having quite high number of aged people. This is from the year 2014.
In Malaysia, among all three major ethnicity (Malay, Chinese, Indian), Chinese people are those having long life expectancy: female 79.7 years old, male 75 years old. And among all states in Malaysia, Perak is the one that having highest percentage distribution of older people.
So, I think it answered why people are telling that Perak is a 'pencen' state. *wink*
From all the scientific statistics, it is important to have more than 2 children. Because, the 2 children will just replace their parents, which actually doesn't contribute to the growth & development of the country.
So, planned wisely :D
In addition, they also emphasized on the facilities & services offered for the older people in Malaysia. Of course, our facilities & services are not comparable to the Western countries. My sister, who are studying in UK once said, there, the bus also provided facility that can help disabled people to ride the bus easily. For example, they have this one system that can change the stairs of the bus (i'm not sure change the stairs or another thing that has flat surface and help the disable people to easily ride the bus). This surely very helpful.
They also invited representatives from few organisations such as Social & Welfare Department, KKM, Geriatricians and also NACSCOM to discuss and answered the questions from the media and also participants.
From the discussion, actually government has taken this issue seriously. There are policies been established. From the policies, quite many facilities & services have been provided through JKM channel. They provide shelter for those with no relative that can take care of them, including independent & dependent people. And other few facilities around Malaysia to help all those older population.
From my observation of 4 years living in Ipoh, Perak..there are quite a number of older people here, especially Chinese.
For example, if we go to Bukit Kledang (famous hiking point), most of the visitors are Chinese people, i think maybe pensioners. And they really look healthy and fit! *oh gosh*
Like, they still can climb Bukit Kledang, which quite long route ( if i'm not mistaken about 10km). And if we go to Padang Polo, most uncles & aunties were older Chinese people, and they either jogging/brisk walking around or have taichi/dancing-thingy session. It is very amazing that they are all looks very fit even they (seriously) more than 60 years old.
In Ipoh, there are quite many run or marathon competition. And again, you can see quite big number of these Chinese older people participating, especially men. Wah, sometimes I felt so ashamed meh -.-
*So long la this post. haha
So, as a conclusion, please take care of your health. In the future, we will become the older people(kalau panjang umur), replacing them. Treat them wisely, and one fine day, hopefully our children will take care of us too.
Let's make this a reality *yosh*
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