
22 May 2011


Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

2.mak n abah.kalo ak ltak mak n abah ak kat stu ayt  nih bleh tak?? mean my sis,,my bro,,ank2s buah
4.the pink teddy giver..hehe
5.budak2 alphashine esp syifa..

Life is what you give


Life is what you give...

ada sesiapa tau tak apa yang ak maksudkan kat sni by this statement??ok,i guess tak ramai yang tau sbb ak dengar statement nih melalui radio hari selasa lepas.

best dengar penceramah tuh elaborate point,w/pon ak nih bkn spesies yg dpt meng-elaborate satu2 statement dengan baek tp ak akn cuba untok bgi semua paham mende nih.

Kisah pertama:
   Mula2 beliau(penceramah yg ak xigt nme ap) ckp beliau suker sgt klas sorg lecturer dye nih ms study fine day,lecturer dye ni bagi la duit RM1(matawang mesir) yg dah diconteng olehnya.maka penceramah tu hairan bin ajaib la.lecturernya suruh pelajar dye nih g beli pa pe ngn duit rm1 yg dh diconteng tuh.then,biler dye dh berjaya dapat balik duit yg dh diconteng nih lecturer dye suruh dye call la..dye pon g beli la anggur tp beli dalam kuantiti byk la sbb xnak bg penjual tuh tau.
   2 months later..stu hari penceramah nih naik teksi utk ke kampus,dye bwk la lbey krg rm5 n dpt la bakinya blek dalam rm3..dye pon msukkn trus lam poket.dye cuma realize biler dye dah balik umah.then,dye pon call la lecturer dye tuh sbb teringat psal pesanan bila dye dah jumpa blek duit tu..lecturer dye bgtau bahawa:
'Bila kita bagi sesuatu yg buruk kepada masyarakat,jd kita akan dapat balik keburukan tersebut'..

Kisah kedua:
    Citer nih masa penceramah nih kerja sebagai doktor kat salah sebuah hospital di Malaysia mybe..stu hari,kt ER ada la stu kes melibatkan kanak-kanak.budak tuh dlm setahun lbeh la.dye tertelan biji,penceramah nih pon call la sorang doktor pakar kanak-kanak sbb kes nih bwh unit,dktr nih plak just suruh pegawai dye g tgk kt ER tuh.akhirnya,budak tuh meninggal dunia sbb pegawai tuh pon g,parents budak tuh nk saman la hospital tu tapi penceramah yg jdi dktor nih brjya memujuk parents tu..
    Dalam bbrp bulan kemudian ad kes yg sama jgk jdi tp kali nih budak dlm 2 thun tertelan duit syiling.pnceramah skali lgi call dktr pakar nih.dye datang kt ER tuh tpi agak lambat.tapi,kali nih bukan parents budak tuh yg nangis tpi sebaliknya doktor tuh yg nangis sbb bdk yg tertelan duit syiling tuh sbnrnya anak,adakah korang dah paham dgn ap yg ak cuba bgtau kat sini??

itulah yg dimaksudkan dengan Life Is What You Give..ap yang kita beri kepada masyarakat kita akan dapat balik kesannya w/pon xsama,bagi bakal2 doktor di luar sana jangan lah berkelakuan seperti doktor pakar kanak-kanak tu.tugas kita sbg doktor nk bantu org sakit..n kita buat mende tuh kerana Allah la yg pasti.

21 May 2011


Six things you wish you'd never done

Yesterday's a history,Tomorrow's a mystery,Today's a gift....

1.plg utama,ak xnk dk tido jer masa kelas biologi kt skolah dlu.

2.scond,ak xnk bt skit hti smua orang kat sekeliling ak.ak mintak maaf yer sper2 yg penah terasa ngn ak..huhu

3.adakah tipu sunat wujud kat dunia nih??ak xnak buat dah mende2 camtu..hehe -.-'

4.xnak dh kacau org lalu dpn umah ak smbil2 ak dk atas pokok mangga..haha

5.ampun la!xnak dh buat 'insiden' dulu tuh.mende nih amat memalukan ak smpai rse nk sorok muka lam tanah jer.

6.klau ak xkne bola hoki masa latihan before pertandingan dlu mesti ak xtkut masa dapat short corner..huhuhu

suka ayat nih ^.^

20 May 2011


Seven things that cross your mind a lot...

1.ak nak jadi doktor.sejak kecik lgi neuron2 dalam otak ak slaluh bt cross tentang mende nih.

2.tak suka kne ker org yg suka kne marah??muahaha-.-'

3.kereta. ska tgk org bwk kereta n wish stu hari nanti nk bawak kereta sendiri.

4.orang stu blog ak bcer pon dye ad jgk pk psal nih..hurmm,kita tatau ap org pk psl kita kan even orang tuh slalu tunjuk attitude yg baek2 dpn,pliss people don't judge a book by its cover.

5.pantai.tempat plg best utk tenangkan perasaan yg tgh,awas sbb ombak yg tenang bleh jdi amat tidak terkawal.

6.just shy,i'm not anti-soc..hehe.ak mmg susah nk jd mesra alam ngan smua orang xkira laki or perempuan.xreti nk bkak topik apa klau bercakap.mmg helpless la ak nih..muahaha.

7.girlish.w/pon ak nih perempuan sejati(haha..nk t'guling),tp ak bkn spesies yg sker mende2 pmpuan sgt..cne nk ckp ek.pk2 la sendiri ek.hehe

19 May 2011


Eight ways to win your heart

OHMYGOD!!pekebenda ak nk post nih??-.-'

ok,,mybe ak bkn seorng yg arif untok mengeluarkan ap yg ak akn bt to win my heart..haha
i'm skipping this question..can i??

adakah ini kuiz personaliti??muahaha

18 May 2011

rindu korang

Hallu everyone...

mood:tired,,happy :)

letihnye,ms post nih ditulis ketahuilah bahawa ak baru je sampai kt umah lpas gi ber-tawaf stu kb.scra btlnye xla smpai stu kb..haha.huih,dh la panas!tp,xpe..sbb nk jmpe kwn,smua tu di tolak ke tepi..jom kita tgk gmbr-->

hampir separuh yg to zaifurin yg amek gmbr..hehe:)
alemak,npk la plak signboard toilet tuh..m'cacatkn gmbt tol..huhu


front view:menara mcd di tgh2 meja,,
credit to inche syafirie..hehe

back view

from left:sundae choc,,milo ais,,mChicken,,kentang
xska mkn burger :b

ok,,ak sleepy eyes..huhu..ainei(hijau),akmal(oren)

tamat sudah perihal gmbr2 sekalian..
ak amatlah bangga+happy sbb bleh dikatakan most of bdak2 lam kls ak dpt overseas offer...
congrats kpd korang semua..yg study kt mlysia tuh,jgn kuciwa..kt dpn nti,insyaAllah byk ag pluang.mai ak listkn kt sni:

tepex:uitm,architechture(jpa),,affan:queensland mybe,,hakin:german engine(mara),,etok:uitm,engine,,ajje:german engine(mara),capix:medic(jpa),,
piyie:uk,finance(ptrons),,meji:kyuem engine(mara),,tojo:upnm,engine,, anaz:medic,india(jpa),,mat:ptroleum engine,aussie(ptrons),,jebo:german engine(mara),,nisaa:ireland,medic(jpa),,eza:accounting(mara),, ainei:medic,india(jpa),, kema:farmsi(mara)mirah:mtrik kulim,,paten:um,,snc hyt,, syifa:medic(mara),,imah:medic dlm ngra(mara),,paa:mtrik chnglun,,mai:uitm bkt mrtjam,assi snc..

15 May 2011


Nine things about yourself..

muahaha..ak tatau nk post pekebenda=.='
miserable btol biler kne korek-korek psl diri sndri nih...huh~xper,,ak try the best i can uh..

1.bfday ak lmbat ag,,dalam 93hri..more o less..*boring,,lmbt nk renew ic yg mcm aper-jer-ntah..haha

2.seorg yg ska jln2,,tgk org

3.sgt xsuka dgr lgu2 rock-hardmetal-spesies

4.skakan environment yg fresh,,tenang,,bleh sejukkn mata yg memandang..*ska pantai damn much

5. eksaited nk online tiap2 hri^^
bestnyer online^.^

6.nk jadi doktor...

7.klao CSI:NY tgh on air,,jgn kacau ak!Eddie Cahill tu ensem ap..haha

8.books are my bestfriends..they love to stick wif me..haha stu prngai yg ak nk sgt-sgt ubah..thengs to kwn2 yg memahami ak..*crediting to syifa,pazilah,maizatul,fatin,amirah,ainei,akmal,nisaa,eza..i love u all..

p/s: rse mcm byk la plak nk dig out inside me..huhu..

14 May 2011


Ten things you want to say to different people...

1.first thing first,,maaf byk2 bt ma n abah ku sbb anakmu ini slalu xdengar ckp..:p

2.okies,buat sis ak klau sdg-tgh bcer post nih,,sorry too.. kazen2 ak yg dua org yg plg nkal tuh,korang pliss la jgn igt ag insiden ak ter-sungkur-terr-cium tanah tu ek..hehe

4.statement ni utk bdk2 klas ak thn lpas...sorry for everything yg ak t'lpas ckp ke,,bt skit hti korg ker..seyesly,korg la kwn2 ak yg plg best :)

5.congrats kt kwn2 yg akan jd overseas graduate nti..korg jgn lupakn ak kt mlysia plak 
ek..karang blek2 speaking berabuk ngn ak,ak smash la korang..hahaha :p to cik memoirs of a girl sbb jd geng ak tdo ms kt klas dlu...hehehe

7.attention to inche2 pegawai jpj,,pliss la bg ak pass test kereta nti ye..

8.utk medic,tolong la-plisss sgt2.ak nk  jd one of the doc kt mlysia nih..pliss la mai b'kepit ngn ak ek..hehe smua kaum2 hawa di luar sana,i beg all of you..pliss be careful,jga dri baek2..*sbb ad kes simbah asid skrg nih.

10.utk awk di balik island sana,bwk blek segulung ijazah dlu ek..then nk proceed ap2 pon just go on la kay..hehe :)

you are the one that i

11 May 2011

cabaran 30 hari


cOmey kotak nih w/pon npk simple hbes :)

Day 1 — Your favorite song
Day 2 — Your favorite movie
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – How important you think education is?
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 13 – Your views on drugs and alcohol
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your view on homosexuality.
Day 17 – How you hope your future will be like.
Day 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 – Your reflection in the mirror
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – Who are you?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you want to go.
Day 27 – What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

ahaha~another one i just found..
ak jmper jgk nih...yg nih dkt blog cik ladY..thanks to her..
tpi,,bkn ak bt slaluh la challenge nih...utk certain2 day yg ak buh-san jer..
*p/s: sori sy maen copy-paste jer,,hehe...sbb content dye best siot ahh~

cabaran 10 hari bermula...


here i start,,
*ak dk mula ngan 'here-' je nih sjak smlm..haha*

haha~it suits me damn much..^^

Day One - Ten things you want to say to different people

Day Two - Nine things about yourself
Day Three - Eight ways to win your heart
Day Four - Seven things that cross your mind a lot
Day Five - Six things you wish you'd never done
Day Six - Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven - Four turn offs
Day Eight - Three turn ons
Day Nine - Two smileys that describe your life right now
Day Ten - One confession

this is it...CABARAN 10 HARI..
ak jmpe mser dk blogwalking td jer sbnrnya..hehe..
credit to inche kisah ikan di dunia for the Qs..

p/s: amat-sgt ska bt Qs..huahuahua

10 May 2011

here i gO~...bnyik mcm agogo jer..hahaha

Assalamualaikum w.b.t......

bnyik mcm best jer..hihi

here i will go....
ok,,result upu pon dh kuar,,result matrik pon dh kuar..
n here i will finish my foundation year..*sigh*
alhamdulillah..i got my best choice finally..hihi.w/pon xdpt overseas uni,,tp ap ak kisah..
at least dpt tmpt kt UM uh..

ok,,stop2 rambling..hehe
ak akn dftar 29mei nih..
mak oii...terasa cpt sgguh masa b'lalu..

npe dye bunyi ala2 literature english jer =,='

5bulan burn cm2 je ak rse..*<--bg ak yg xproceed to ap2 nih*..hehehe
btw,,ak wondering la,btl ke masa bleh perbetulkan keadaan??
someone,,tolong ak jwb soalan nih..plisss~

*p/s: xsedar umur dh nk masuk 18 tahun..huhu =,="

04 May 2011

ak suka ayat ni..:)



muahahaha....i like this quote very2 much!hehe...sorry boys :)
sbnrnya ak tgh skit hti ngn sorg jejaka a.k.a boys..sesedap oren je dye ckp cmtu kat ak yer..byk cntek~
haha~gila dhsyat ak nih..skit2 hti pn post kt blog..hehehe
bt saper2 yg bce nvel 5TAHUN 5BULAN by Hlovate,then he/she must know this quote..
sorry Hlovate,i borrow your line..ngee~

bt sper2 nk tau lgi lnjut why this quote was published n printed on t-shirt,,please tgk wikipedia ke ap2 search engine la korang tau the whole-real story.
btw,thanks to TODD GOLDMAN for create this qoute..hahaha
boys,,don't feel tense..but please,do not blame hlovate.hehe
::i'm just sharing::