Lama dah tak singgah sini.
Malas satu hal, study satu hal, takde idea satu hal. jadinya, berhabuk lah ia.
I learnt something this week.
"Kematangan tak diukur berdasarkan usia atau umur, tapi kematangan dicapai melalui pengalaman."
This is from my own observation.
It happens in reality world.
Nak dijadikan cerita, last weekend, attend satu event dekat utara. Biasa lah, when you go to somewhere else that you've never been before, you'll meet varieties of people, even kat tempat sendiri pun tak habis khatam lagi fi'il sorang-sorang -.-
Then, ada someone nih, eh, rasa nya bukan dia sorang, a few of them..mostly bila borak-borak, everything comes out from their mouth. ada tu sharing all the experiences that they've going through, ada tu sharing all the philosophy that they knew, and sometimes i thought that this budak nak jadi doctor phil ke? tapi tak ambik pun course berkaitan? Musykil -.-
Bila tanya umur, uihh lagi muda. ohmaii. cakap dah macam orang yang dah 26 above. full of experiences and falsafah. bukan falsafah cikai-cikai, tapi yang membuatkan otak mengiakan.
Anyway, that's it.
kadang-kadang kita ni terlalu prejudis, skeptikal terhadap orang-orang di sekeliling kita.
kita ingat dia macam tu, macam ni..tapi sebenarnya dia macam gini.
and those people are destinied to fulfill our weakness. dengan adanya orang-orang macam ni, membuatkan kita sentiasa muhasabah diri sendiri.
What have we done to make sure that we're in the right track of life? what've we done to improve our life?
Everything and beyond.
Tak salah untuk mingle dengan someone yang lebih muda daripada kita sebab untuk belajar and improve diri, Allah never told that we've to learn from the older people only.
Try not to be a prejudice or sceptical or whatsoever.
Because human are created to fulfill each weakness.
Reality bites.
Lots more to come.
Masa je tak meng-ijinkan T_T
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