بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
status: listening to rapuh-opick.
salam alaik.
this will be a 'nota kaki' for my bestie, back in school and till jannah, insyaAllah.
here i come, Nur Syifa Ilyani. bismillah.
i know u are stronger than u tought.
because u can do something that others can't do.
like for example, u got the offer to do prep in kyuem, for that everyone knew it was a 'haibat' college, lots of excellent students got prep there.
and u manage to survive there for these 2 years, insyaAllah.
and i am sure, He send u there because He knows the best for u. He has something that He wants u to learn.
and He know u can handle any problems that come up because He knows how you are.
yet, He will give us lots of tests because He wants to know how we believe in Him and maybe too, He give the test because He wants to upgrade your 'darjat'.
Jadi, letakkan kebergantungan kita pada-Nya, yakinlah bahawa setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya.
"Sesiapa yang tinggi keyakinan dirinya, sesungguhnya kebergantungannya pada Allah juga sangat tinggi."
Never give up because He also will never give up on you :)
"Dan orang yang sabar kerana mengharapkan keredhaan Tuhannya, melaksanakan solat dan menginfakkan sebagian rezeki yang Kami berikan kepada mereka, secara sembunyi atau terang-terangan serta menolak kejahatan dgn kebaikan; itulah orang yang mendapat tempat kesudahan(yang baik)."
do your best this sem and believe that, He will always be with u :)
Be strong my girl. you can do it.