mood: mengantuk O.o
dissect hamster.KASUF 2012.dia.
it was a very long day yesterday.
1.45 p.m:
venue: biology lab.
activity: dissecting hamster.
semalam turn kelas M1 untuk dissect hamster.mula2 sedih jugak tgok hamster tu tak bergerak-gerak.
tp,as usual..niat kita penting.kita bukan nak seksa dia.niat nak belajar.
n ehem2..i got the best hamster being dissect kot.hehehe.
sebab perut2 dia tu tak putus as in bercerai drpd badan hamster tu.susah kot nak asingkan.
perut kita pon camtu jugak la kot.jom,,let's the pictures tell the story.
pacak kan tgn+kaki hamster dgn paku
internal organs |
yg berputar kaler grey tu appendix |
yg kecik terperosok dkt ribcage tu jantung dia.
n it still moving bcoz heart has myogenic muscle |
ni tukang dissect :p |
yg panjang2 tu large+small intestine+stomach |
left side: brain of hamster.pity him |
done with hamster.
5.15 p.m:
KASUF = karnival sukan Fist UK, RCMP, Vinayaka, Aust
i took part in basketball.sorry to Cikgu Azemi, i betray hockey.hehehe :p
i have no choice *this is so amin*
there is no hockey, i play releas my stress after studying.
and yesterday we had match between RCMP-UK and Vinayaka-Aust
RCMP won the game with 12-6 and Vinayaka won against Aust 29-4.
however, when playing, i felt like something wrong in my shoes.
my foot were blistered and tore a little.
it were very painful.i can see the muscle inside.let's have a look.
right |
left.this is the worst |
and the worst is i can't walk like is very hard to walk, and doing anything.
hopefully,it can recover soon. i want to play basketball :(
however, a bunch of thank you to:
auni for giving treatment to me last night :)
aliah for piggyback me from surau to hostel.hehe.Cg Jal jealous with me too :p
roomates for helping me a lot :)
rai for borrowing me her sandals ^^
nisa,bubu,RCMP-ian basketballers,fafa and others who are not mentioned here.
thank you very2 much
i owe all of you a lot.
bak kata Niknur :
"imah popular sekarang"..hehehe.yela tu Niknur :p
two done.
last part: dia.
hopefully that 'dia' will recover soon too.
dan jangan lukakan hati orang yang sayang awak.please.