Assalamualaikum w.b.t......
anybody home???!!huhuhu
kreekkkk~~gya loker kt hostel ak yg nk t'cbut dlu...hehe.thanks to miss syifa a.k.a mak datin alaf bru di alphashine for giving me a brilliant idea to start my blog today...syifa<--klau tgh bcer post nih,sory curik idea...hehe.jgn mare,,nti kne jual ,,,hoho
actually,ak rse xde bnda interesting pon ak nk share kt sini hri nih..
mser ak kuar nk kwn2 ak<--pa+mai+mirah pd 4april lalu,ktorg g kbmall<--biasa la,bdk2 lps spm...sipenganggur..hohoho
first checkpoint lps g solat ialah KEDAI BUKU POPULAR<--hal ni xde kne mengena ngn kedai tu yg popular ngn npe ak bt capital letter utk nme kdai tuh...huk..huk~ak pon xpham=,='
biasa la...kedai tuh merupakn feveret ak klau g kbmall sbb ak ska bcer bku,n tu lah tmpt kt klantan yg ad bku2 terrrr-latest abad ini.ak g bt tinjauan kt section english books.
wawawa~banyak bangat bku2 best ni!tbe2.....ak t'nmpak stu novel nih....
hoo....gler interesting title dye.cover pon,not bad.comey<--thumbs up!^,^
yeah!i've got what i want....
ak dh bcer sket review novel tuh...it's about a girl named Lucy n her so-called boyfriend,Nathaniel a.k.a Nate
Lucy knows instantly yg Nate nih dia pnyer 'The One'...n disbbkn diorg ni xnk b'pisah forever n ever,diorg kissing under Bridge of Sighs at sunset,mser bell rings.trademark tuh sbnrnye one of the legend kt Venice,told by an old man to lucy n nate ms diorg bli stu barang ngn old man tuh.
then,10years later they've completely lost contact sbb nate n lucy nih sbnrnya study kt tmpt laen2.nate ni american's...lucy plak a manchester girl.
tu la srba sdikit cter dye....klau nk thu ending dye cne..just go to a bookshop n find for that book.besides,it is a nice book with easy-to-understand words
it's a worth to try...