
31 January 2012

a bunch of thank you

mood: br lpas stalk org..hihihi

*today is Malay day conversation*

perlu ke kita update dekat status fb kita rindu makwe/pakwe??penat la tengok -.-'
nasib baik tak kenal..hihi..sorry la,,entry yang indah ni dimulakan dengan ayat yang merapu.

ok,back to business!
actually,i'm going to tell about someone,,someone that i admire n impressed so much.that 'someone' is a girl,,she is so meant to me.i think she is my best buddy here.*insyaAllah*

few couple of days ago,i admit i was really stress because i was having a big kinda problem.i think it was a really sick and tiring week ever!sorry to all my roomates,,classmates,, if i didn't pay full attention when you talk with me.i really don't have good mood.

khalilulwafiah,,,,i wanna thank a lot to give me strength when i need someone,,thank you very2 much.

i know,i'm not a good girl.i think i have show you my real me.BUT, one thing i really appreciate was,you create an environment that i thought i was given the chance to change myself.

i'm sure you will be the best dai'e ever.from what i read from a book,a good dai'e is someone who can go on with whom they are going to change to be a good are really meant to me.i hope i can help you someday.

she said:
  "we cannot see with our eyes that Allah was always with us but we can feel it.
there are many proofs that Allah was always by our of them is when He give someone to you when you feel you can't bear with the hardship that you face"

thanks friend,for sticking with me.hopefully Allah will grant you the best in everything you do.n hopefully we will be friend forever.